July 26, 2011

"Home" - Chapter IX


Adam called me just as I was leaving Micah’s daycare.

“There’s a dog in the house! I think it’s that Eli guy’s dog? How did he get in here, do you know?”

“Oh, yeah, Eli died today. I thought we could take the dog in, since Micah has been wanting one. He seems really friendly, right?”

“How do you know that Eli died? How do you know the dog is friendly?” Adam asked, “I think we should probably bring him to the shelter. We don’t know enough about him to keep him here with Micah in the house.”

“I know Eli died because I … because…”

I couldn’t remember how I had heard that Eli had died.

Oh well, it didn’t really matter how I knew, right? All I was sure of was that I wasn’t going to let Adam talk me out of keeping the dog. He was my dog now. The thought of leaving him at a shelter made me feel panicked and my thoughts started to jumble together again. I tried to answer Adam’s questions.

“I heard sirens earlier and so I know that’s what it was… that’s why the dog came over and he wants to stay with us now.”

“What? That doesn’t make any sense, hon.”

“Yes it does. You know what, don’t worry about it.  I am not bringing the dog to a shelter.  I am keeping him.  He’s not dangerous!”

“You don’t know that! Eli said his dogs fought, and if this is one of the ones that was fighting, he isn’t safe to keep in the house. I’d also like to know what happened to the other dogs Eli was keeping.  We probably need to talk to someone about everything that we heard over there. I am taking him to the shelter, and I am going to talk to someone there about Eli and his dogs.  People need to be aware that any dog coming from Eli’s house is probably dangerous.”

“Please, Adam!  Just give him a chance.  I am almost home with Micah.  We will see how the dog behaves, ok?  I promise the dog will be just fine.”

“No, I am taking him to the shelter.”

“Well then I am coming to meet...”

I was interrupted by Adam talking to the dog.

“No, boy, come here.  Dammit.”

Then to me.

“He took off.”

“Great!” I cried, “how am I going to find him?!  I am still five minutes away!  You need to go get him!”

“No, I am not going to chase him down.  He will be picked up by someone, and they will bring him to the shelter, or they will take him in.  I am not budging on this - we cannot bring him into our home.”

I hung the phone up, and in a panic, I sped the rest of the way home.

When I got there, I went inside, handed Micah to Adam, and walked out the front door to look for the dog.

“Where the hell are you going!?” Adam said, frustrated.

“I am going to look for the dog.”

“To do what?  I already told you that dog is not worth risking Micah’s safety over.  We don’t even know the dog.  You are acting like he is more important than our son… what is wrong with you!?”

“Nothing is wrong with me.  There is something wrong with you.  I will see you later.”

“Not if you bring that dog back.”

“Okay then, if that’s the way it’s going to be.”

I walked away.

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